Consumers are getting more and more interested in watching videos than ever before. Today, anyone with a smartphone and internet can stream favorite shows and watch videos on YouTube. They can follow online activities, attend interviews via live videos or learn new things. It is worth noting that video is here to stay as it expands and evolves with new developments. Consumers are embracing the changes, which is why marketers should keep up with the trend. Below are practical ways video consumption trends change how businesses can strategically respond.
Video Consumption Evolution
1. Many Consumers Now Rely on Marketing Videos from Brands
Before the emergence of videos, consumers would get information that suits their needs from websites. They’d look at the online reviews and testimonials on the websites and watch videos on YouTube and commercials to learn about a product or service. Today, consumers can access and watch videos on multiple social media platforms.
Consumers continue to rely heavily on video content when researching information online. A report shows that live streaming increased to 5.65 billion hours in the second quarter of 2022. The streaming will increase as consumers continue looking for content online. One great benefit of video content is that it appears authentic, thus boosting consumers’ trust in a brand.
2. Consumers are Looking for Fun, Relaxing, and Entertaining Videos
Before the internet, may people would turn to their favorite TV stations to watch movies and feel relieved from stressful days. While more focus is on online platforms, the need for entertainment remains the same.
Today, people watch videos to relax and unwind. They find videos entertaining and fulfilling. For this reason, marketers should focus on creating informative videos with fun content to keep consumers excited about the brand.
3. Consumers Want to Learn New Things from Videos

Besides watching videos for entertainment and fun, consumers also want to watch content with new information. This is even more important if the content provides information about consumer’s interests, social causes, or hobbies.
People watch videos because they like it. They use different platforms for social interaction while learning new things from different people through videos. For this reason, marketers need to ensure their video content contains useful information for the consumer.
4. Video Production Quality is in High Demand
Consumers want to watch videos with quality content that speaks to their needs, hobbies, and interests. But this doesn’t mean you rent high-end equipment for video production.
You can apply many strategies to capture quality videos that can help you meet your goals in real-time. Also, you can invest in quality software that lets you easily record and send short video messages to the consumer without necessarily using much money.
5. Shorter Videos are the Most Preferred by Consumers
Today, marketers can create short-form videos on TikTok, where consumers can watch quick and snappy videos in real time. For this reason, it is important to create short videos preferably under three minutes, and ensure you the content in the videos resonate with the consumers.
Video Marketing Continues to Influence Business Growth

Videos continue to evolve each day as consumers get seamless experiences when watching the videos. The good thing is that video is changing in the favor of the customer and the marketer. Businesses can now use videos to gather information and create a smooth buyer journey.
Fortunately, many video consumers are new looking forward to learning new things from videos. They are not only focusing on entertainment. This is a good opportunity for marketers to incorporate educational videos and offer content relevant to the brand while also leveraging the opportunity to increase brand visibility.
The Bottom Line
Video is here to stay as it continues to expand, change and evolve to suit the consumers demands and fit into new emerging platforms. For this reason, marketers should invest time researching consumer interests, hobbies and behavior and create quality and relevant video content. Want to learn more about the impact of video content for businesses? Contact us today for a free consultation.